Business Analyst Training Assignment: Data Analysis and Insights

Objective: The objective of this assignment is to analyze and derive insights from two datasets related to job creation and candidate applications across multiple countries within the Candidate Domain team. As a Business Analyst, your task is to explore the provided data, identify trends, and generate meaningful insights that can inform decision-making processes within the Candidate Domain team.


Data 1:

Country Jobs Applications Quality Candidates
HK 29374 3 Unknown 10008
PH 1138307 11 to 20 Unknown 80163
PH 676171 6 to 10 Unknown 90465
AU 6776343 100+ Unknown 37015
ID 150579 1 Unknown 150579
PH 6 1 Qualified 6
MY 3 3 Unqualified 1
NZ 187163 76-100 Unknown 2249
NZ 464361 11 to 20 Unknown 32827
SG 8 6 to 10 Unqualified 1
MY 543008 6 to 10 Unknown 72534
AU 1460 3 Unqualified 586
SG 15 2 Unqualified 9
MY 994038 11 to 20 Unknown 69609
TH 1 2 Unqualified 1
ID 2485327 31-40 Unknown 73917
AU 2220085 6 to 10 Unknown 295510
ID 2830231 11 to 20 Unknown 196753
TH 39840 1 Unknown 39840
NZ 32 3 Unqualified 12
AU 390 4 Qualified 126
PH 556270 41-50 Unknown 12922
NZ 335210 6 to 10 Unknown 45002
SG 47707 4 Unknown 12206
TH 269973 31-40 Unknown 8071
NZ 158974 61-75 Unknown 2458
AU 43 21-30 Unqualified 2
PH 13 3 Unqualified 5
MY 839210 21-30 Unknown 34946
TH 1 1 Qualified 1
NZ 16 11 to 20 Unqualified 1
AU 1675698 41-50 Unknown 38513
NZ 89251 2 Unknown 45268
PH 115704 2 Unknown 58915
TH 48491 5 Unknown 10014
NZ 5 5 Qualified 1
AU 473944 3 Unknown 160636
AU 23417 1 Qualified 23417
PH 512925 61-75 Unknown 8016
PH 138 1 Unqualified 138
AU 481178 4 Unknown 122640
TH 414515 11 to 20 Unknown 29146
HK 261175 11 to 20 Unknown 18203
TH 226378 41-50 Unknown 5267
PH 139592 5 Unknown 28711
PH 94866 1 Unknown 94866
TH 334054 21-30 Unknown 13996
SG 4 4 Unqualified 1
PH 31 2 Unqualified 18
PH 137184 4 Unknown 35208
MY 100534 3 Unknown 34359
TH 233298 61-75 Unknown 3660
AU 36 31-40 Unqualified 1
MY 2 2 Qualified 1
HK 164599 31-40 Unknown 4855
SG 516136 76-100 Unknown 6258

Data 2:

Country Jobs Applications Quality Candidates
HK 12 12 Qualified 12
MY 78 78 Qualified 67
PH 63 63 Qualified 63
TH 37 48 Qualified 24
HK 59 59 Unqualified 59
SG 1106 1150 Unqualified 917
TH 54 62 Unqualified 54
ID 126 128 Unqualified 115
NZ 459 472 Qualified 400
ID 32 35 Qualified 27
AU 45328 47091 Unqualified 39751
MY 132 134 Unqualified 119
AU 33426 34987 Qualified 30417
NZ 801 813 Unqualified 636
SG 6 6 Qualified 6
PH 220 231 Unqualified 189
HK 3141527 3294419 Unknown 156536
NZ 3688618 3812595 Unknown 388176
ID 58021871 61167188 Unknown 1569327
MY 12433333 13042857 Unknown 570811
SG 8987980 9515155 Unknown 279372
TH 4650425 4946928 Unknown 267915
PH 9472293 9949953 Unknown 660075
AU 32516927 33814632 Unknown 2509391


  1. Data Exploration: Begin by exploring both datasets to understand the provided information fully. Examine the variables, data types, and any potential patterns or anomalies present.
  2. Analysis: Conduct a comprehensive analysis of the datasets to identify trends, correlations, and insights related to job creation, application quality, and candidate behavior across different countries within the Candidate Domain team.
  3. Insight Generation: Based on your analysis, generate meaningful insights that can provide valuable information to the Candidate Domain team. Consider factors such as job market trends, application trends, and candidate engagement levels.
  4. Presentation: Prepare a clear and concise presentation summarizing your findings and insights. Use visual aids such as charts, graphs, and tables to enhance the presentation of your analysis.
  5. Documentation: Document your analysis process, including any assumptions made, methodologies used, and conclusions drawn. This documentation will serve as a reference for future analysis and decision-making.


  1. Analysis Report: A detailed report summarizing your analysis findings and insights.
  2. Presentation Slides: A PowerPoint presentation summarizing key findings and insights for easy sharing and presentation (or you can also do it directly on Excel, as this is for practicing purpose only)Data 1
  3. Documentation: A document outlining the analysis process, methodologies, and conclusions.

Deadline: The assignment is due [Insert Deadline]. Please ensure timely completion and submission of all deliverables.

Note: Feel free to reach out for clarification or assistance at any stage of the assignment. Good luck with your analysis!